
Noteworthy News – August 9, 2017

New findings on drinking and driving could spur a legal change in blood-alcohol limit, Canada’s biggest builder is ready to invest in major infrastructure projects across several Canadian cities, and NAFTA negotiations heat up around the topic of e-commerce import limits. Here’s this week’s Noteworthy News.

Noteworthy News – August 9, 2017

  1. The federal justice minister is considering lowering the legal blood-alcohol limit from 80 milligrams (0.08) to 50 milligrams (0.05), as recent research suggests the original limit underestimated the risk that comes with drinking and driving. Via Canadian Underwriter
  1. Trudeau’s infrastructure plan seems to inspire more confidence than Trump’s: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. – Canada’s biggest builder – has set its sights on homegrown projects like light-rail lines in Ottawa and a $6 billion rapid-transit system for Montreal. Via Financial Post
  1. As NAFTA negotiations get underway, the U.S. pushes for higher Mexican and Canadian duty-free import limits for e-commerce – and Mexico and Canada are pushing back amid fears of an increase in cheap imports. Via Financial Post
  1. A new manufacturing center has opened in Welland, with the help of a $4.2 million contribution from the Ontario provincial government. The new complex will provide Niagara college students, local companies, and industry staff with 15,000 square feet of lab space. Via Daily Commercial News
  1. A leaked U.S. government report reveals that emissions of greenhouse gases are already affecting global temperatures in potentially disastrous ways, but the 13 scientists who compiled the report fear Trump will suppress the information. Via Canadian Manufacturing
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