
Noteworthy News – May 17, 2017

The WannaCry ransomware attack might be particularly bad for small businesses, rapidly changing technology could mean the downfall of the petroleum industry within the next 10 years, and Ford announces significant job cuts to its salaried workforce.  Here’s this week’s Noteworthy News.

Noteworthy News – May 17, 2017

  1. Working around the clock to investigate and contain the WannaCry ransomware worm, Canadian cybersecurity firm CGI has discovered that small and medium-sized business are most at risk – especially those on older operating systems. Via CBC
  1. A new study out of Stanford University says driving – and fuel consumption – is on the cusp of a monumental change: in as little as 8 years, gas-powered vehicles could be extinct, and the petroleum industry will begin to collapse. Via Financial Post
  1. Job cuts are on the horizon for Ford employees, as the auto brand gets ready to let 10% of its salaried workforce go. Voluntary early retirement and separation packages will be offered to eliminate 1,400 jobs across North America and Asia. Via CBC
  1. The Bell data breach, which came on the heels of the WannaCry infestation, leaked 1.9 million email addresses to an anonymous hacker. It’s a good idea to investigate if and how your personal information has been leaked – and there are tools to do that. Via CBC
  1. In the wake of recent United Airlines issues, the federal government has introduced a passenger bill of rights in an effort to protect flyers and improve the air travel experience. It’s better than nothing, but does it go far enough? Via CTV News
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