General Contractors Insurance

A general contractor overlooking a construction site.
A general contractor overlooking a construction site.

Overseeing complex projects with many moving parts? Our general contractors’ insurance policy covers the duration of your project, helping you over the bumps you may meet along the way.

We know that contracting risks come in different forms. Exposures can vary in size and complexity, and they can evolve as the project continues. We’ve built our general contractors’ insurance package with these facts in mind, and it will cater to your work, whether your operation is large or you run a small business.

Insurance coverage suited to your daily work

Our insurance policy for general contractors combines the core coverage you expect with enhanced features that could save your project and your bottom line, like contractor’s equipment floater and loss of income. We have other handy features like Rental Reimbursement, Replacement Cost, and Fungi and Spores coverage.

Our tailored coverage is ideal for building contractors who specialize in:

  • Commercial, residential, institutional, and industrial

  • New construction, additions, and renovations

Other coverages include:

When can our general contractors’ insurance policy come to your rescue?

When a contracting project involves many people, many tasks, and many risks, problems can arise quickly. The key is to have the support you need to react immediately and get things back on track as soon as possible. There are a couple of coverages in your general contractors’ insurance policy that can be particularly helpful in these situations.

Picture this: a contractor spots flames in the excavator engine bay, and although the engine operator attempts to extinguish the fire, the flames engulf and destroy the relatively new machine. Your operations could grind to a halt in this situation if it weren’t for Contractor’s Equipment Floater, an extension that will pay to replace the excavator with a similar model.

If you’ve just lost a crucial piece of equipment like an excavator, you could be out a lot more than the price of the machine. After all, delaying a project until you can find a suitable replacement means delaying business income. Fortunately, the loss of income coverage will pay for a general contractors’ loss of business income resulting from the work interruption due to the broken excavator.

Managing Risk

We know that your unique set of risks can differ from the risks other construction and contracting companies face. We believe that you can avert some of those exposures with the right information and some smart guidance.

Our value-added services focus on helping you identify and mitigate the risks your business faces each day. From fire and theft to water damage and third party injury, general contracting hazards can come in many forms. In-person consultations and project site assessments carried out by our experienced Risk Services experts can leave you with the knowledge and confidence you need to protect every aspect of the business you’ve worked so hard to build.

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