Do I need transportation insurance?

[…] today and get the transportation insurance you need. Learn more about transportation insurance here. This blog is provided for information only and is not a substitute for professional advice. We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information and will not be responsible for any loss arising out of […]

Why keeping contractor paperwork is so important

[…] can help protect your business and your bottom line, visit our contractor business insurance page today. This blog is provided for information only and is not a substitute for professional advice. We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information and will not be responsible for any loss arising out of […]

emergency car kit

What to keep in your emergency kit for the car

[…] your kit could help keep you warm and well fed while you wait for help. Here are a few items that could come in handy: A first aid kit Band-aids Bottled water Energy bars Roadmaps Gloves Matches A blanket Extra clothing and footwear Emergency food (non-perishable, such as canned fruit, nut, candy, etc.) A […]

Modern Office Flooded

10 ways you can prepare your business for a flood

[…] (helpful tools to help organize a response and an evacuation) Copies of insurance documents and important phone numbers Spare batteries Medicines Blankets, dry clothes, and food First Aid kit Mobile phone Extra cash Come up with a disaster plan: Include a flood disaster plan in your health and safety plan. Identify evacuation routes and organize […]

Woman reviewing some paperwork.

Insurance jargon: What do the terms really mean?

[…] This coverage protects you if a product you make or sell is found to be defective, or if there are inaccuracies in the assembly instructions or warnings. Professional liability: This coverage helps with legal costs and expenses if a customer claims that you failed to deliver on what was outlined in a contract, or […]

construction site and management

Understanding construction site management: The key areas of a well-managed jobsite

[…] integrating the following housekeeping measures into daily tasks: Develop a checklist as an effective resource for workers to follow and sign-off on. Keep stairways, ladders, and scaffolds free of obstructions and ensure that loose materials that are high up (such as on a roof), are secure. Store combustible material in a suitable location away […]

What to do before, during, and after a tornado or wind event

[…] protect your building from a tornado or violent wind event is to stay on top of maintenance. For example, fix loose shingles on your roof and rep air any cracks on siding, doors, and windows. “If you have a cracked window, if a windstorm comes along there’s a good chance that window is going […]

Rainboots in flooding

Key tips on how to prevent flood damage

[…] emergency kit close at hand. This should include things like a flashlight, radio, copies of insurance documents, spare batteries, vital medicines, blankets, food, dry clothes, a first- aid kit, a mobile phone, and some cash. Disaster plan: Include a flood disaster plan in your health and safety plan. Identify evacuation routes and organize emergency drills […]

man on cell phone while driving

Managing distracted driving as a professional driver

[…] on the job. Training can include: How to identify potentially unruly passengers Procedures to manage distracting passengers How to enforce the rules of the vehicle assertively and professionally 3.    Passenger policies Thoroughly define what the consequences are for not following rules to ensure that passengers acknowledge them when signing the service contract. The driver can […]

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