Think twice before lending your company vehicle
Whether you deliver flowers for a floral shop, own a catering business or work at a consulting service that requires you to travel to your
We recognize that not all businesses are the same. In fact, there are some enterprises that require special attention when it comes to their insurance needs. Our Specialty Risk group develops coverage for businesses with unique risks as part of a larger policy or as stand-alone coverage.
When operating a business, mistakes happen. After all, business owners are human too. That’s why the right coverage is so important. Professional Liability insurance (which is also known as Errors & Omissions insurance) can help ensure you’re protected against claims of actual or alleged negligence that arise from providing professional services, like giving incorrect advice, an omission, or failing to deliver a service. This coverage includes damages and defense costs up to your policy limits, regardless of whether a mistake was made.
As a leader of a corporation, you take on a high level of risk, as you may be held personally liable for alleged wrongdoings in managing the company.
Management Liability insurance, or Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance, is designed to protect your corporation’s directors and officers from personal financial loss that may result from lawsuits alleging wrongful acts or mismanagement carried out in their appointed capacity.
The release of pollutants (hazardous or otherwise) can happen suddenly, accidentally, or gradually. As businesses continue to change and evolve, they should consider how their pollution impacts the community as well as the environment. From there, businesses should consider how they can protect their bottom line and their reputation should property or environmental damage occur.
Cybercrime is evolving – from ransomware to data breaches, the digital landscape is full of obstacles for all businesses. That’s why we offer both standard and custom cyber insurance solutions to help protect your business from today’s evolving cyber threats.
Help protect your transportation business from unexpected expenses with our deductible buydown and downtime program. It allows you to manage your deductible level and provides reimbursement for income lost while a vehicle is off the road due to accident, theft, or major mechanical breakdown.
As one of the largest insurers of marine risks in Canada, we offer a complete range of insurance products to help protect boats, yachts and marine equipment, docks and piers, and ocean cargo.
Whether people are sharing their cars, apartments, or houses, the sharing economy comes with its own set of unique risks. To help you be better prepared for those risks, we’ve adapted our insurance solutions to meet the needs of your sharing economy business.
We understand your business and are here to offer specialized warranty and gap solutions for new and used cars, recreational vehicles, dealership programs, consumer purchase protection, extended warranties, and more.